This is to develop customised E-Learning modules which provide a complementary learning medium for the firefighters . This course is purely to be able to review course content until completion and will then be deleted.

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KOREAN 구획 화재 행동의 필수 요소 - 훈련, 전술 및 기술

이 과정은 전 세계 모든 소방관에게 화재 행동의 이해와 전술적 환기 원리를 교육하기 위해 개발되었습니다. 이 과정을 통해 소방관들은 화재 현장에서 올바른 선택을 할 수 있도록 '화재를 읽는 능력'을 키울 수 있습니다.

The Essentials of Compartment Fire Behaviour - Training , Tactics and Techniques Version 2

This course has been developed to educate all firefighters around the world on understanding fire behaviour and the principles of tactical ventilation. It will enable them to "Read the fire" in order for them to make the correct choices at fire incidents.

Lo esencial del comportamiento ante un incendio compartimentado - Formación, tácticas y técnicas Versión 1

    "Lo esencial del comportamiento de los incendios en compartimentos: formación, tácticas y técnicas", impartido por el prestigioso experto Shan Raffel, es un curso fundamental para los bomberos de todo el mundo. Les dota de habilidades para interpretar los indicadores del comportamiento del fuego y formular estrategias eficaces antes de entrar en incidentes de incendio. 

Poland The Essentials of Compartment Fire Behaviour - Training , Tactics and Techniques Version 1

Kurs ten został opracowany w celu kształcenia wszystkich strażaków na całym świecie w zakresie zrozumienia zachowania ognia i zasad wentylacji taktycznej. Umożliwi im to "czytanie ognia" w celu dokonywania właściwych wyborów podczas pożarów.

The Essentials of Compartment Fire Behaviour - Training , Tactics and Techniques Version 1

This course has been developed to educate all firefighters around the world on understanding fire behaviour and the principles of tactical ventilation. It will enable them to "Read the fire" in order for them to make the correct choices at fire incidents.

The Essentials of Fire Compartment Crew Challenge

This is a challenge for a crew of firefighters on their knowledge on fire behaviour in compartments.